Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just a quick blog

Life has been crazy lately, so I only have time for a quick update. I have been working a lot more overtime since my counterpart at work left. I have taken on a lot more responsibilities and am also responsible for training the replacement, which has been challenging. I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed with work and school while trying not to let my personal needs and family life take a back burner. It is definitely difficult finding a balance, but I am thankful for my busy life.

My husband & I quit smoking and are training for our first half marathon. It will be in Minneapolis in April. I <3 Minneapolis so much! So many things to do, see, and eat there! It will be a great time & I can not wait. Here is the training plan I chose:

I have been running regularly about 2.5 - 3 miles, but I will start the official 10-week training program on Feb 20th. The weather has been unbelievably nice for this area and this time of year, so I have been able to do some running outside. I hope we continue to have a mild Winter!

Sometimes I run without music and just focus on the sound of my breathing. Yesterday, I was in the mood to listen to country music. It made the run go by faster, so maybe I will try to listen to music more often.

Anyway, break over. Back to homework I go!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Love Jesus, but Hate Religion?

The title of this video enticed me to watch.. The video itself evoked poignancy. I want to watch the video a hundred times.. the words stimulate my heart and encourage me to explore my spirituality.

Goodbye, Holidays!

I'm sad to say the holidays are over. The decorations are put away, the tree is on the curb, and we're back to real life.


I savored every second of the almost two weeks away from work and school. During that time off, we relaxed quite a bit at home. We also took a trip to Washington state to spend New Year's with some family and friends. It was a short trip but very memorable!

The first night, we spent playing Phase 10. I was losing... badly.. so I decided to go to bed. The next morning, we went to a local cafe called Barbie's for some of the best breakfast food & an amazing view of the water! It makes me smile to think about it. I already can't wait to go back for some eggs benedict.. That evening, the night before New Year's Eve, we went to my SIL's house where we enjoyed her husband's homemade pizza (I had 4 slices) and homemade beer before going to the casino to celebrate her birthday. I could not have been happier :)

Until morning came. Before we got to WA, my MIL coerced us into registering for the "Prance & Plunge" at 9am on the 31st. "It'll be so much fun," she said.. "we'll just prance around the lake a bit before taking a nice dip into the lake," she said. When we were out til 2am the night before, I prayed, "Dear Lord, I hope everyone will drink so much alcohol that they won't wake up for the Prance & Plunge tomorrow. Amen." It didn't work because God doesn't like when you pray about stuff like that.

My MIL was doing her usual wake up song & dance at 7am. "She's not even human," I thought. We got into the car.. left my husband/her son because he was taking too long to poop.. and headed to the lake. We got to the lake and met with the other one hundred crazies that thought this would be fun. It was 29 degrees out. We waited to start for about half an hour, and then we were off. My husband with his sprained ankle (he met us after he was done pooping) & his sister ran ahead. My MIL ran with me.. or pranced with me I guess. We pranced for a little over 3 miles. I LOVED IT! I don't think I can put into words how beautiful it was that morning. I joked that I could have seen the same view in a moving vehicle, but I know I could not have taken it in and appreciated it the way I did as we ran. I fell in love with that road and the trees and the lake and the air, and I kept thinking, "I wish I had my camera!" I didn't even want the run to end. Partly because we had to jump into the lake afterwards.

I expected there to be a dock that we would jump off, but we actually had to walk into the water. I wasn't sure if my body was going to let me, but I really had no choice. My MIL was already in the water & my SIL grabbed my hand.. I tried not to think about the cold. As soon as I emerged from the water, I felt like the cold knocked the oxygen out of me & that I was moving in slow motion. Even still.. it was one of the best experiences, and I am thrilled I could share it with some of my favorite people!

Later that day, I was hit with the flu. I slept through New Year's Eve and most of New Year's Day. We spent our final full day in WA, Jan 2nd, shooting paper targets and clay pigeons, then out that night for a wonderful dinner! It was perfect. I married into a family that constantly impresses me-- from their perseverance to their humor to the way they accept each others differences and their commitment to family. I absorb these lessons and feel myself changing. I truly value every single person in my life and feel immensely blessed. The holidays are over, but I look forward to each and every day and to all the new experiences and memories in 2012 and beyond. LML