Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Ahhh it has been a great vacation at home.. I'm no artist, but drawing or painting + coffee creates a perfect morning.

The holidays are almost over! <-- That's more of a distressed exclamation because I love the holiday season so much.. Only the New Year celebration is left. It's kind of interesting that we make such a big deal about the date changing, but when you think about it, it's more about the idea of having a clean slate and a fresh start.. leaving the previous year's disappointments behind.. creating new goals.. feeling renewed!

For some people, the new year brings new resolutions, which is awesome! Creating goals (small or big) is necessary for everyone... I know I will always be a work in progress, and I will never be perfect, but I will always try, and I will be relentless. If the plan for your goal doesn't work, change the plan - not the goal. But I don't normally make a New Year's Resolution because I feel like I am pretty aware of my flaws (most of them), and I continuously try to improve myself throughout the year.. so I will share my Everyday Resolutions in no particular order:

1. Be more transparent. What I mean by this is that I want to be more open. I've always been a pretty private, sometimes closed off person, so it can be hard to get to know me. Most people close to me are very resilient.. maybe even pushy.. lol.

2. Be nicer. I guess this one is pretty self-explanatory. Sometimes I am not as nice as I could be, and I need to try harder to be nice to every person no matter what mood I am in.

3. Stress less. I need to stress less about things that are out of my control.. I need to focus more on maintaining my mental health and relationships rather than trying to get everything checked off the checklist. Not overscheduling myself and not procrastinating will definitely help also.

4. Be more Christ-like. This goal is the toughest and encompasses so much (including the above goals). Within this goal, I have an infinite amount of goals such as being a better spouse, a more selfless friend, being more forgiving, compassionate, generous, less judgmental, the list could go on forever.

The year 2013 has been one for the books. There were a lot of great memories made, and the best part is -- I can actually remember them. It's the 1st year, in the last 15 years, where I have had (any) alcohol on maybe 5 occasions (or less) and did not black out once! My marriage is stronger than ever and I'm healthier than ever, but there has been the dark cloud of the miscarriage and unsuccessful fertility treatments looming overhead. Nevertheless, this year has been great, but I welcome 2014 and all that it brings!

Here's a look back at some of the big moments of the last year..

We bought our first house!

Found out we were pregnant!
(Our niece in a "I'm going to be a big cousin!" onesie to tell my parents)

Trip to San Diego

Took our nieces to Disneyland
Flowers from coworkers after loss of pregnancy
Rented a lake cabin in Minnesota
(our 8 yr old dog went swimming for the 1st time)

 Horsebackriding & hiking in Medora
Finished 3 half marathons
Celebrated 5 years of marriage!
Had a wonderful first Christmas in our new home...

Here's to an incredible 2013
& an even better 2014!






Saturday, December 7, 2013

Xfit Day (Fitness Post)

I declared Saturdays as Crossfit Day a couple months ago. I love traditional weightlifting, and I love running, and I love trying new workouts. I had been wanting to check out Crossfit for a while, and the local Crossfit scheduler didn't coordinate with my work/school scheduler, so Saturday was the winner. If you want to look at it like that!

Before going into Crossfit, this is what I knew (or thought I knew): Burpees, box jumps, kettlebells, clean & jerks, weird "pullups," knee high socks, douchebags that think their workout is harder than anyone else's. I thought, "I can run a marathon, I can do insanity-type workouts, I can lift weights, I can do real pullups. Forging elite fitness, yeah right!"

After going to Crossfit for a couple months (and only once per week), this is what I have learned: I am the douchebag.

I fell in love with running and weightlifting because you set goals for yourself, you conquer them, then you feel amazing! You see yourself getting faster, stronger, and fitter each week. Crossfit crushes those feelings lol. Crossfit makes you feel defeated in the beginning. It hurts the pride. But now I'm in love with Crossfit because it is truly the hardest workout I have ever done, it forces you to humble yourself and see that you can go so much further than you have even when you have already come a long way.

I'm starting to feel more accomplished after Crossfit workouts now, but I won't be letting it get to my head again lol. I should also add that I love the Crossfit community - there are a lot of extremely fit, humble people that really enjoy encouraging each other and working together. Most of the people that I have met there seem like wonderful characters that I would be honored to have as friends.

The fitness lessons I learned that can be applied to all aspects of life.. Work hard, then work harder. Stay humble. Never become complacent. Stop judging books by their cover!

On another note, I'm not going to Crossfit today. The -45 windchill has defeated my desire to forge elite fitness.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Feelings, Friday, Fertility

Feeling pretty good right now. It's Friday, I've started putting up Christmas decorations, and I had a great anniversary. Way different than how I was feeling a couple months ago! October is when we started the first round of fertility treatment. This is what's happened from beginning to present:

10/22 Day 1 Ultrasound; Normal
10/24 - 11/2 Letrozole
11/3 Day 13 Ultrasound; Follicles not big enough
11/5 Day 15 Ultrasound; 2 Follicles on left side w/largest at 16mm

Dr says to go forward with trigger shot. I try to convince nurse friend to come over and give me shot. She has to work. I try to give it to myself. I hold needle like dart, aim at thigh, go through the motion about 20 times.. give up and call husband into room.. I cry, he laughs.. stabs me with GIANT needle (not really, but that didn't matter).

11/6 Lab work (Lab tech misses twice then calls someone else lol); Estrogen levels normal
11/22 Day 1 Ultrasound (1st cycle unsuccessful); Normal
11/24 - 12/3 Letrozole
12/4 Day 13 Ultrasound; Largest follicle on right side is 18.5mm/Lab work; Estrogen levels are low - start taking Estradiol 3 xs per day

Dr says to trigger shot. Now that husband is "experienced," I'm feeling more comfortable.. only a little more comfortable.. but no tears this time. That was 2 days ago.

I'm feeling tremendously better this time around.. more relaxed. During the 1st cycle of treatment I was feeling really anxious, stressed out, depressed, and highly emotional. When I started the medication, I had the worst cystic acne breakout I have ever experienced. Not only did my face hurt, but my self-esteem took a severe hit (as vain as that sounds). I cancelled on all social gatherings because I had a hard time being around anyone. I avoided people at any cost, so nobody would look at me. I would've called in to work sick, but I knew it would take several weeks to get better, and I couldn't be out that long. I honestly felt like a monster.

I also kept looking down this imaginary road ahead, envisioning us going through several unsuccessful rounds of treatment, then unsuccessful attempts with IUI, and then failed attempts with IVF. I was feeling defeated already. To be completely honest, I felt pissed off that we even needed medication.

When my period started after the first round, I was pretty bummed. But I decided I can't continue to think the same way. I was making myself unhappy as well as others around me.. And I'm just not willing to live like that.

Not to say I won't feel bummed if the treatment is unsuccessful. I'll still have feelings of disappointment and times where I'm feeling down. The extensive spectrum of emotions is just part of being female. The point is to not let myself stay down for very long. I have a satisfying and fulfilling life because I choose to.. so here's to reminding myself that I have control of my attitude even if I don't have control over what happens.

Prayers & positive thoughts always welcome!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Five Years

I often evaluate our marriage and look at the duration of our time together. We are celebrating five years of marriage in a couple days, and I enjoy seeing how far we have come!

We knew each other for a whole 6 months and 8 days when we said our vows in the courthouse. We didn't have rings to exchange, our witnesses were employees at the courthouse, and our families first heard of our plans as we were driving home after the ceremony to get ready for work that day.

["I don't even know her last name!" his mom exclaimed. "Yeah, you do.. it's the same as mine!"]

We were in love.. crazy, irrational, head-over-heels, floating on cloud 9 type of love.

But five years ago, we were strangers. Strangers that loved what we knew of each other. We had just moved to a new state, far away from familiar faces or any support of loved ones. And as if we didn't already have the tools for success, we also shared a common love of alcohol.

Our lives revolved around drinking and cigarettes. We spent our nights in a haze. During the day, we were just getting by, trying to pass as responsible young adults, be "functioning alcoholics," and just make it until the evening came so we could drink again. We'd have our drunken talks, talking about our lives before we knew each other and the future life we wanted to create. We also had our alcohol-fueled arguments about whether the color of the pillow on TV was actually green or purple, or argue about a completely hypothetical situation, and whatever else we could create an argument about (while brushing off any suggestions that alcohol might be a problem).

The turning point was when we turned to running. His mom led the way when she completed her first marathon, about 50 pounds overweight at the time. We began replacing alcohol with running, and little by little we started turning our talks about the future into action. As we focused more on our physical health, we also improved our marital health.

As I sobered, I learned more about the person I was married to.. a strong but sensitive, stubborn but easygoing, sarcastic but good-humored man who made it his primary goal in life to make me happy.. a sometimes difficult undertaking. We also learned we are complete opposites. He recently told someone I was "his yin to his yang," and I think that perfectly demonstrates his unconditional love and acceptance of our differences. Most of all, I learned he is resilient. That WE are resilient. In our marriage, while trying to learn more about him, I have learned so much about myself.

Five years ago, we walked into the courthouse as strangers. In that time, we have grown as individuals, and we've grown together, and this is just the beginning of our love story!

To my heart,

I promise to continue to be your yin. I promise to be beside you through any and all obstacles. I promise to always love you, never settling for average. And I promise to always strive to be the best version of myself as we continue to learn more about each other and life.

Happy anniversary!